Rochester Preschool welcomes all members of the community based on the following principles:

Our intention is to make our setting accessible to all children and families from all sections of the local community. 

Our practices are positive in the terms of how we treat individuals, regardless of their gender, religion, background, ethnicity, disability, special educational need or English as an additional language. 

Equality and Diversity Policy

Statement of intent

Rochester Preschool is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all children, staff and families.

Aims We aim to:

Regulations relating to this policy

The regulations informing the Preschool’s policy on equality and diversity are as follows:

Employment: Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged on explicit and fair criteria, and in all cases it is to the applicant who best meets these criteria who is awarded the position (Equality Act 2010).

Food: We will work in partnership with parents to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met.  The Preschool will also help children learn about a range of food, cultural approaches to meal times and eating and to respect the differences among them.

Rochester Pre School

At Rochester Pre-School, we aim to provide a positive, happy, safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for children aged between 2- 5years. We believe that every child is unique. We will support all children’s individual needs through safe, stimulating learning opportunities and a happy, caring environment.
Our vision is for all children to become confident and independent learners, achieving and growing together.


The following sessions are available:

Monday- Friday
9am -4.30pm.

We advise you to express your interest in advance if you wish your child to have specific sessions or to secure a place by contacting us and completing an application form. 

If your child is funded, we will hold spaces for a maximum of 6 weeks. If you are paying for your child’s sessions, then you will also need to secure your child’s space with a non-refundable deposit of £50 for a maximum of 6 weeks in advance.  This will then ensure your child’s name is kept on the register until they begin. When they begin preschool, this amount will be either deducted from your first invoice or returned to yourself if your child has funded hours. If you choose to not then take the space, your deposit will not be refunded. 

Please ensure your child arrive at their preschool sessions on time as this helps to settle children early and helps them to have a greater understanding of the routine. Also ensure you collect your child on time in order not to incur extra charges. These will be as follows:

£5 for a late charge – No phone call warning staff you will be late 
£5 for every ten minutes you are late collecting.

Please be advised if you are regularly late in collecting your child this could lead to your place being terminated

You will need to bring a water bottle and lunch depending on the session your child is attending. You are responsible for providing your child’s nappies, wet wipes and nappy sacks. We will always ensure our legal requirements are met in ensuring the correct Staff: Child ratios are in place.

If you child is going to be absent please ring or send a message before preschool opens on each day of absence in order for the reason of absence to be recorded in the register. If you do not contact us and we are unable to make contact with you then under our safeguarding and child protection duty of care we would make a visit to the registered address to ensure your child was safe. If we could not make contact here, we would pass the information onto the relevant authorities.

Our setting, environment and practice are welcoming and friendly ensuring that strong, trusting relationships are built with all our children and members of their families.  

Sessions minimum 

Rochester Pre-School requires parents to book a minimum of 2 sessions per week in order to ensure continuity for the child, staff and other children. We ensure all admission forms including emergency contact details and consent forms are signed before allowing a child to be left in pre-school.

Fees Policy

Fees are payable upfront at the beginning of the month. This is non-refundable due to child absences or closure of the setting as a result of unforeseen circumstances. Payment not made by end of first week without any cogent reason or permission from the Management team will accrue a 10% fine.