There are certain factors which could result in Rochester Preschool having to close for a limited time. Rochester Preschool’s liability for safety begins from when all persons enter the preschool. This is applicable to all staff, parents, children, workers, etc.


We aim to rectify the closure as soon as possible and to keep all parents and carers informed of the situation. In order to achieve this aim we operate the following Emergency Closure Policy.

Adverse Weather

If the area experiences heavy snow fall, a member of management team will risk assess the potential hazards for both staff and children particularly looking at entrances and exits if able to. If for health and safety reasons they decide the areas are hazardous, the decision will be made to close the preschool. 

Management team will send a broadcast to all parents and post onto our Facebook page as early as possible if preschool will be closed due to adverse weather conditions. 

A member of management team will have the preschool telephone if you wish to speak to someone 07481418922.

Should severe weather occur during a session, staff will contact parents/carers to come and collect their child. It is vital that all contact numbers are kept up to date. 

Parents will be kept informed of when normal childcare services will be resumed. 

Delivery of childcare

If the setting opens in adverse weather conditions, a limited service maybe offered due to limited staffing if it is not safe for all staff to travel to preschool. The setting will always work to ratios as set down in the registration requirements. 

Heating breakdown/ failure 

Management will make a decision whether it is warm enough and safe to continue without it. Should it be too cold, parents will be contacted to collect their child immediately. Staff ratios will be maintained until all children are collected. 

Should there be any other reason for the setting to close, the following procedure will be followed. 

Before preschool opens

If the decision is made before preschool opens then management will endeavour to contact all parents of children that are due to attend that day through a broadcast. They will also put a post on the Facebook page. If applicable, a sign or representative will be at the premises to explain the situation to any parent/carer that hasn’t seen any messages.  

During the Day

Staff will contact parents/ carers to collect their child. Parents/Carers must ensure that all contact details are up to date. 

Fees are still applicable if there’s an emergency closure for all children that attend those days. 

Links to other policies and legislation 
Health and Safety Policy, Admissions Policy, Parent Partnership Policy