The curriculum offered at preschool encourages children to develop positive attitudes to others. It encourages children to emphasise with others and to begin to develop the skills for critical thinking.

We do this by:

  • Making children feel valued and positive about themselves
  • Ensuring that children have equality to access learning opportunities
  • Reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources
  • Avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images in the selection of materials
  • Celebrating a wide range of appropriate festivals
  • Helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour is not acceptable
  • Ensuring the curriculum offered is inclusive of all children
  • Ensuring that children whose first language is not English have full access to the curriculum and are supported in their learning.

Our Curriculum- what we want children to learn

At Rochester Preschool, we aim to provide a positive, happy, safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for children aged between 2-5 years. We believe that every child is unique.

Our vision is for all children to be confident and independent learners, achieving and growing together.

Communication is our main core value both with parents and children. We value our parents, carers and children’s voice within the setting. We ensure language is present throughout everything we do to ensure children are accessing a wide range of vocabulary, that will support not only their development but to gain an understanding of the wider world around them.

Our Pedagogy – Helping Children to learn

We will provide a mixture of different approaches to support children’s progress in their learning and development. All of our teaching will be through play by adult modelling, observing peers and through guided learning and direct teaching.

We provide a balance between adult led and child initiated activities. Adult led activities will have a clear intention of what practitioners intend to teach the child. We will ensure that all children are given the same opportunities, which will include introducing them to new ideas and experiences. Our intentions are to create curious and explorative learners. Child initiated play will be carefully scaffolded and modelled by practitioners within the setting to support the child. Children will be encouraged and supported to develop and extend their own learning and interests in more depth. Our practitioners are encouraged to see the world through a child’s eyes and to do this we must be present within their play. Practitioners carefully organise enabling environments both inside and out to ensure there are opportunities for high quality play. They will ensure there is time and space for children to both invent their own play situations and also, to sometimes be part of their play by joining in sensitively to support and extend learning.