When your child begins at Rochester Preschool, we see our role as a shared process with you, the parent/carer. We understand how it can be difficult to leave your child in a setting, so our settling in sessions will help to begin the bond between getting to know each other. Staff will make as much contact with you during this time as you would like or need and keep you informed of how your child is settling.

There will be regular opportunities for you to speak about your child’s learning, development and progress with your child’s key person. Every term you will be invited to look at the learning priorities that your child’s key person has set them to support their learning and development and share anything with each other that will support your child. We also have an open door policy so if you wish to speak someone sooner, please let us know. 

Our Parent/ Carer information board is in the entrance hall. This will always have any messages and key dates displayed. A half termly newsletter also contains all this information and parents will sign to say they have received it. This will contain a ‘Home challenge’ if you and your child wish to do it together but you do not have too.

On enrolling, parents are presented with a pack of;

  • Who their child’s key person is and what their role is
  • Our settings Curriculum and Ethos 
  • ‘All about Me’ form. This will support your child’s key person in getting to know them and being able to support their learning and development. 
  • Our full pack of Preschool Policies and Procedures are available for parents to view and make comments and suggestions on. These are located by the Parent’s board.

Our main form of communication is via ‘Whatsapp’. You will regularly get updates and photos via this form from your child’s Key Person.

We have a ‘Lending Library’ that families are encouraged to borrow books to share with their child. We explain how important reading and sharing books with your child is. 

‘Bertie Bear’ is also our preschool teddy who loves to spend weekends with each child. He has his own diary that can be completed at home of his fun adventures. This can then be shared with friends and adults at preschool. 

Our ‘Wow’ forms are in the hallway. Please help yourself and complete for all the ‘Wow’ moments your child has had at home so we are able to share them with their key person and friends!

We aim to provide an environment in which there is positive behaviour and where children learn to respect themselves, others and the environment. We will not tolerate behaviour from an adult which demonstrates prejudice, discriminatory attitude or unacceptable actions or language. Please refer to our Supporting and Understanding Children’s behaviour policy. 

Any information shared with us will be regarded as confidential as outlined in our Privacy and Data Protection Policy. 

Fee payment is expected at the beginning of the month in advance to your child attending preschool. These will be invoiced. Fees are still applicable if your child is absent or for emergency closures at preschool. 

We welcome any suggestions from parents/ carers on how we can improve our services and we will give serious attention to any complaints in order to resolve them. Refer to complaints/ compliments policy and procedure.