Our commitments to the protection of children are:

  • To respond promptly and appropriately to all incidents and concerns of abuse
  • To ensure that all staff know the procedures for writing and recording their concerns in the setting.
  • To listen to the child ensuring what they have said is recorded word for word with no assumptions being made.
  • To work with and discuss with parents any concerns that we may have. However there are occasions when this would not be appropriate and we would go ahead and take necessary action. We would not speak to a parent/ carer if we felt it would put the child at risk.

The Name of the designated members of staffs for child protection liaison is Terri (Manager)/ Becky (Deputy Manager)/ Rachael (Director).

Staff are all aware that they must use the correct terminology for children’s body parts. They must use the words Vagina, Penis, Breasts, Poo and Wee when talking to parents and children. The importance of this is to ensure that there is never confusion if a child is talking to an adult but calling this area of their body something else.

Staff are made aware of Early Help (as defined in working together to safeguard children, 2015) and are able to identify those children and families that may need this support. This is in order to ensure all children are able to access the same services.

Information will be shared under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (2016) and all staff understand this information on children and families is shared appropriately and lawfully. 

An Early Help Assessment (EHA) can help identify, at the earliest opportunity, if a child or family needs extra support.  Is a standardised assessment tool – EHA which can be undertaken by anyone who works with the child, young person or family. This can only be completed if a child, young person and/or their parents and carers gives consent.

Early Help Team: 01634 338746 or ehsupport@medway.gov.uk


 Informing Parents

Parents are normally the first point of contact if there is a concern in order to gain their view of events. We inform parents that we make record of concerns on their child’s file and that we also make a note of any discussion with them regarding a concern. If a suspicion of abuse warrants referral to first response, parents are informed at the same time the referral will be made, except where the Medway Safeguarding Children Partnership does not allow this, for example, where it is believed that the child may be placed in greater danger. Advice will be sought from First Response, or in some circumstances the police. The DSL/DDSL will record the advice given.  

If a child arrives at the setting with an existing injury, parents are asked to sign an existing injuries form. These are monitored on a termly basis by management to see if there is a cause of concern. This procedure is not only to protect the setting/staff members but also for child protection.

If you have any concerns about a child you can contact Medway’s First Response Service on 01634 334466 or alternatively via the link Report a child safeguarding concern | Concerned about a child | Medway Council. Alternatively, you can call NSPCC 0808 800 5000

Please see separate policy Allegations against staff, Whistle blowing, Lockdown policy, Prevent Duty, British values – Full Policies are available on request

Certificate of Employers’ Liability Insurance: Rochester Pre School Ltd. Policy Number: PG0037255

Contact Details

Medway Children’s First Response Service- (01634) 334466
Out of hours: 03000419191/ 08457626777
NSPCC (Concerns about a child) 08088005000


